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Giving you full control over your data

It;s easy to comply with data protection and privacy regulations thanks to HUB's dedicated GDPR intranet features.

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Data Privacy Notice.

Ensure everyone opts in from Day One.

Whether you need an employee intranet or a client portal, HUB enables you to write a bespoke Data Privacy Notice to suit your needs.  Completely tailor the message to suit your requirements and data privacy policy.

Where will the Privacy Notice display?

Your users will be presented with your Data Privacy Notice on your HUB's login screen.

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Personal Data Report.

Easily gather all data you hold on a user.

HUB's Personal Data Report is the perfect tool that enables you to comply with any Subject Access Requests (SAR) you might receive.  Quickly run the report to gather all the personal data you hold on an individual user.  Our secure portal makes gathering this information quick and easy, whilst maintaining your user's data protection by restricting access to the report and the data within.

What is in the Personal Data Report?

The Report pulls all personal data held on a user:

  • All profile and contact details.

  • All HUB messages they have sent and/or received.

  • All comments they have left on content.

  • All content they have liked.

  • Their entire HUB browsing history.

Remove Inactive Users.

Anonymise, scramble and delete data.

As a GDPR compliant intranet, HUB gives you full control over how you manage your user data.  When a user leaves your organisation, their HUB profile is made 'inactive', hiding them from your Contacts Directory.   By default, HUB stores user data in perpetuity so it can be associated with past activity such as comments or form submissions.  However, our Anonymise feature enables you to automatically scramble and delete the personal information of your inactive users, protecting the data privacy of ex-employees or ex-clients.

What does 'Anonymise' mean?

'Anonymising' users scrambles and deletes all personal and contact information, reducing the profile to an 'Unknown User'.

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Manage Data Storage.

Control how HUB handles your user data.

We've made managing data privacy on your HUB effortlessly efficient.  You can customise your HUB's settings to automatically bulk anonymise all inactive user data after a specified number of months.  This means you don't have to manually remove ex-users individually, instead the HUB will automatically run a daily task to anonymise inactive user profiles.  So whether you opt for 1 month or 2 years, you control how long you hold onto old user data before its deleted.

How long does HUB hold onto your user data?

By default, HUB stores all active and inactive user data indefinitely. However, if you opt to anonymize inactive users, you can specify a timeframe to store the data, after which the user data is 'anonymised' - scrambled and deleted.

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So never fear...
You can always trust us to handle your data.

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